Since 1993

Physician's are frontline defenders...

PHYSICIAN’S POWER TO PROTECT is a pilot program to educate current and future health care providers on the devastating consequences of childhood sexual abuse and exploitation. Our goal is to break the cycle of child sexual abuse by equipping physicians to facilitate prevention, better recognize the signs and symptoms of childhood trauma, and effectively intervene to protect at-risk children. Research has shown a strong relationship between childhood exposure to abuse and high-risk health behaviors and chronic disease in adulthood. Physicians that possess the competence to discuss the effects of sexual abuse on a patient’s mental and physical health will provide more compassionate patient-centered care and facilitate better long-term health outcomes. We hope to develop a universal program to train clinicians on prevention, intervention, and advocacy.  Physicians, in particular, are in a unique position through patient education and well-checks to provide children, parents, caregivers, and community members with the knowledge and power to detect, prevent, and advocate for victims of abuse. VOICE Today is seeking funding for curriculum evaluation and expansion of PHYSICIAN’S POWER TO PROTECT, with hopes that the principles will be integrated into patient care practices and anticipatory guidelines.




Please help us save the next generation of children!

Make a tax deductible donation to support the research and development of THE PHYSICIAN'S POWER TO PROTECT Program to help save the next generation of children from child sexual abuse and help victims to heal.